Background: The current situation in obesity and metabolic surgery since January 2005 has been investigated with the help of the quality assurance study on surgical therapy for obesity = German Bariatric Surgery Registry (GBSR). The data were acquired and analysed in cooperation with the Institute for Quality Assurance in Surgical Medicine at the Otto-von-Guericke University.
Methods: Data acquisition was done with the help of an online database. On a voluntary basis, all obesity and metabolic surgical interventions since 2005 have been recorded. In addition to the surgical data, the findings of the yearly follow-up investigations were recorded.
Results: Since 2005 there have been 1,263 gastric balloon procedures, 11,840 sleeve gastrectomies, 13,722 Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses and 3999 gastric banding operations. The average age of the male patients in all interventions was significantly higher. The average BMI of female patients who received a gastric banding or a gastric balloon procedure was significantly lower than that of the male patients. Men exhibited a higher incidence of comorbidities than women.
Conclusion: The number of obesity and metabolic surgical interventions in Germany is continuously increasing. The results of the study on surgical therapy for obesity (GBSR) reveal significant differences in the gender-specific incidence of preoperative comorbidities. postoperative complications and mortality. Further studies on gender-specific aspects are necessary in order to optimise patient selection and reduce the incidence of postoperative complications.
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart • New York.