Bacterial heparinases that cleave heparan sulfate (HS) and heparin are widely used to generate low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) and to structurally and functionally characterise heparin and HS biomolecules. We provide novel insights into the substrate specificity of heparinase II from two different bacteria: Pedobacter heparinus (formerly Flavobacterium heparinum) and Bacteroides eggerthii. The activity towards various well-defined HS oligosaccharides was investigated by (1) H NMR spectroscopy; this revealed distinct specificities for the two heparinases. Heparinase II from P. heparinus appears to be more active and displays a broader substrate specificity than B. eggerthii heparinase II. Furthermore, HS di- and tetrasaccharides inhibited B. eggerthii heparinase II activity. A better understanding of heparinase substrate specificity will contribute to the production of homogenous LMWHs, provide better characterisation of heparin and HS and assist therapeutic applications.
Keywords: enzyme catalysis; heparan sulfate; heparin; heparinase; natural products; substrate specificity.
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