Impurities in crystalline materials introduce disorder into an otherwise ordered structure due to the formation of lattice defects and grain boundaries. The properties of the resulting polycrystal can differ remarkably from those of the ideal single crystal. Here we investigate a quasi-two-dimensional system of colloidal spheres containing a small fraction of aspherical impurities and characterise the resulting polycrystalline monolayer. We find that, in the vicinity of an impurity, the underlying hexagonal lattice is deformed due to a preference for five-fold co-ordinated particles adjacent to impurities. This results in a reduction in local hexagonal ordering around an impurity. Increasing the concentration of impurities leads to an increase in the number of these defects and consequently a reduction in system-wide hexagonal ordering and a corresponding increase in entropy as measured from the distribution of Voronoi cell areas. Furthermore, through both considering orientational correlations and directly identifying crystalline domains we observe a decrease in the average polycrystalline grain size on increasing the concentration of impurities. Our data show that, for the concentrations considered, local structural modifications due to the presence of impurities are independent of their concentration, while structure on longer lengthscales (i.e. the size of polycrystalline grains) is determined by the impurity concentration.