This study's purpose was to assess the impact of a preoperative risk stratification program on joint arthroplasty outcomes at a single institution. We hypothesized that by using a standardized preoperative risk stratification center we would see better outcomes and decreased costs. The triage cohort (T) included 1498 patients assessed at a standardized risk stratification center, and the non-triage cohort (NT) included 1100 patients who did not utilize the center. The T cohort had significantly higher ASA classification (P<0.0001) and ACCI scores (P=0.028). We found no significant difference in complication rates. The T cohort showed a significant decrease in LOS (P<0.0001) and an increase in average reimbursement (P=0.009). A standardized preoperative risk stratification center can contribute to decreased LOS, increased reimbursement and help prevent complications.
Keywords: arthroplasty; cost; efficiency; hip; knee; standardization.
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