The treatment options available for the management of most types of wounds are both diverse and contentious. One agent that has been utilized for centuries for the treatment of dermatological disorders and possesses a number of pharmacological actions that are conducive to wound healing is Calendula officinalis, or pot marigold. To assess the effect of Calendula on wound healing, a systematic review of the literature was conducted. The search was limited to randomized controlled trials that used topically administered monopreparations of Calendula officinalis for wounds of any type. Although 6 trials were identified, only 1 trial was of good quality; hence, the statistical pooling of results was not appropriate. Therefore, a narrative review of these studies was conducted indicating that there is only weak evidence to support the topical administration of Calendula in acute and chronic wounds. Undoubtedly, further investigation is needed to establish whether Calendula has a place in mainstream wound care.