Surgical treatment of clavicle fractures in the adolescent athlete

Sports Health. 2015 Mar;7(2):137-41. doi: 10.1177/1941738114566381.


Context: Current literature has clearly shown that the indications for surgical treatment of clavicle fractures in adults are expanding. Although clavicle fractures in children and adolescents have traditionally been treated nonoperatively, surgical treatment of displaced clavicle fractures may be indicated for adolescent athletes.

Evidence acquisition: A review of relevant articles published between 1970 and 2013 was completed using MEDLINE and the terms clavicle fracture and adolescent athlete.

Study design: Clinical review.

Level of evidence: Level 3.

Results: Excellent outcomes and rapid return to competition can be achieved with surgical management of displaced clavicle fractures in the adolescent athlete with high functional demands similar to those of their adult counterparts. Complications include hardware irritation, screw loosening, pin migration, peri-incisional numbness, and refracture. Athletes and families must be counseled regarding complications and potential need for secondary surgery to remove hardware.

Conclusion: The adolescent athlete with a displaced, shortened, or comminuted clavicle fracture presents a unique, controversial dilemma for the surgeon. Earlier return to competition can be achieved with surgical management to restore length and alignment and may prevent malunion, nonunion, and poor outcomes.

Keywords: adolescent athlete; clavicle fracture; displaced midshaft clavicle fracture.