Aim: To structure the rate of intraoperative complications that requires an intraoperative or perioperative resolution.
Methods: We perform a literature review of Medline database. The research was focused on intraoperative laparoscopic procedures inside the field of urological oncology. General rate of perioperative complications in laparoscopic urologic surgery is described to be around 12.4%. Most of the manuscripts published do not make differences between pure intraoperative, intraoperative with postoperative consequences and postoperative complications.
Results: We expose a narrative statement of complications, possible solutions and possible preventions for most frequent retroperitoneal and pelvic laparoscopic surgery. We expose the results with the following order: retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgery (radical nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, nephroureterectomy and adrenalectomy) and pelvic laparoscopic surgery (radical prostatectomy and radical cystectomy).
Conclusion: Intraoperative complications vary from different series. More scheduled reports should be done in order to better understand the real rates of complications.
Keywords: Cancer; Intraoperative complications; Laparoscopy; Surgical complication; Urology.