[Purpose] Spine disorders affect various sections of the spine and have a variety of causes. Most pain occurs in the lumbo-sacral and cervical regions. Dance is associated with exercise. High levels of physical activity predispose to back pain occurrence. [Subjects and Methods] The subjects were 237 ballet learners; 80 children (primary school level), mean age 11.24±0.77, mean of years of training ballet 2.14±0.74; 93 students (junior high school level), mean age 14.01±0.84, mean of years of learning ballet 4.64±1.24; 64 students (high school) mean age 17.01±0.77, mean of years of learning ballet 7.47±1.54. Numeric rating scale was used to determine spine pain. [Results] Feelings of pain were analyzed on the basis of "now" and "before" between levels education by using point statistics and statistical tests to compare groups. "Now" exhibited weaker back pain feelings than "before" at all the education levels. There were statistically significant differences in pain feeling for "before" (at any time of learning) and "now" (the day of survey). [Conclusion] All patients reported pain "before" and "now" in cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. At all levels of education there were statistically significant differences in feelings of pain between "before" and "now".
Keywords: Back pain; Ballet.