Background: Don Bloch is the central figure in the origin story for the field of collaborative family health care; the journal Families, Systems, & Health; and for the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association (CFHA). He exerted extraordinary intellectual and practical leadership for all 3. He convened a national working session in 1994 that took stock of the field and set out next steps, one of which was to create the interprofessional organization dedicated to collaborative family health care that is now CFHA.
Purpose: As part of honoring Don Bloch's contributions to the field and this journal, this article sets out tenets of his original vision and traces next steps toward this vision generated by national groups between 1994 and 2014, showing what is the same or different over these 20 years, and especially what this means for the field going forward.
Method: Precepts of Don Bloch's original vision are drawn from his writings, including the briefing papers he prepared for the national Wingspread group convened in 1994, which also set out next steps for the field. These steps are then compared with next developmental steps for the field generated by CFHA conference attendees in 2004 and again in 2014, after reviewing the history of the organization and the field.
Conclusion: Much of Don Bloch's vision has remained relevant to health care transformation, with a number of areas showing significant accomplishment and acceptance, whereas others remain aspirational, and a few others arguably being more difficult to achieve now than when Don articulated them.
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