Heparinization during PTCA is often done empirically with an initial 10,000 unit bolus of heparin and subsequent additional boluses as deemed necessary to prevent thrombus formation and fibrin deposition. However, the initial 10,000 unit bolus may not result in adequate systemic anticoagulation in every patient, exposing some patients to risk of thrombus at the angioplasty site and subsequent reocclusion. In this non-randomized study, we assessed systemic coagulation during PTCA by retrospectively analyzing activated clotting times obtained in 108 consecutive patients. All patients had normal baseline prothrombin times and activated partial thromboplastin times. Patients who were on heparin prior to PTCA were excluded. Based on data from studies on heparinization during extracorporeal bypass an activated clotting time (ACT) of greater than 300 seconds was required. Twelve patients (11%) were observed to have activated clotting times of below 300 seconds after an initial 10,000 unit bolus of heparin. These patients required an additional 3,000-10,000 units of heparin to have systemic anticoagulation during PTCA. Symptoms of stable or unstable angina had no significant effect on heparin requirement, although there was a trend toward greater heparin resistance in unstable angina. We conclude that it is important to monitor the status of anticoagulation during PTCA, for 11% of patients undergoing PTCA require additional initial heparin bolus to achieve an ACT greater than 300 seconds and to be effectively anticoagulated. Careful monitoring of heparinization during PTCA may reduce the incidence of thrombosis.