Record of gut associated nemathelminth in the giant African snail Achatina fulica (Bowdich) from Bangalore, India

J Parasit Dis. 2015 Jun;39(2):144-6. doi: 10.1007/s12639-013-0303-8. Epub 2013 Apr 30.


Prevalence of nematodes in Achatina fulica (Bowdich) sample collected from two different sites within Bangalore University Jnana Bharathi Campus viz., Dhanavanthari vana and Botany Department garden was 84 and 100 % respectively. However, the identity of the nemathelminth could not be established to the species level as it did not respond to the clearing agent and its genital organs were not located which is key character for taxonomic identification. Also, no Cercariae were recorded in the samples, perhaps the snail sample was non endemic for parasitic population. Helminthological prospection with regard to the giant African snail from the region has not been performed till date. The present work is a preliminary study in that direction intended to determine the nemathelminth fauna associated with A. fulica populations in Bangalore region laying emphasis on further studies to be undertaken in this regard.

Keywords: Achatina fulica; Cercariae; Nemathelminth.