The laser performance of a 5% Yb doped Lu2SiO5 (Yb:LSO) has been investigated in quasi continuous-wave pumping regime along the three principal dielectric axes of the crystal, to obtain a complete characterization of its laser properties. The comparison among the obtained results for differently polarized lasers, in term of relative slope efficiency and absolute efficiency, allows the exploitability of different orientations of the material in order to be determined to obtain efficient laser sources. The laser slope efficiency and the energy conversion efficiency were similar for emission polarized along the three indicatrix axes, with noticeable maximum values of slope efficiency around 90% for polarization along the Y and Z axes. Tunable laser action has been obtained in the range 990 nm - 1084 nm, with sizeable differences in the shape of the tuning curve for polarization along the X, Y and Z axes. In particular, the tuning for polarization along the Z axis is relatively flat and uniform in the range 1023 nm - 1083 nm.