This paper reported the measurement of maximal expiratory flow-volume curve (MEFV) for 66 cases of asthmatics in the convalescent stage. Among which the data of FEV, PEF, V75, V50, V25 in 35 cases (53.03% of the total) gave different abnormal as compared with healthy persons. It showed that in the convalescent stage, most of the asthmatics still possessed obstruction of airways and chiefly of small airways. 35 cases of asthmatics in the convalescent stage was given the Chinese herbal decoction of chiefly invigorating Kidney (Viscum coloratum 15g, Psoralea corylifolia 15g, Eucommia ulmoides 15g, Lycium chinense 9g, Tussilago farfara 15g, Artemisia capillaris 9g, and Pogostemon cablin 9g as daily dosage) for treatment of 10 weeks and measuring MEFV curves to observe their changes before and after treatment. The results showed that different parameters of MEFV was improved in some extent which suggested that the airway obstruction of asthmatics in the convalescent stage was reversible. In discussion, the authors indicated that the prompt treatment for asthmatics in the convalescent stage was conductive early to prevent emphysema and confirmed that the treatment with Chinese herbs of chiefly invigorating Kidney deserved to be propagated.