Palladium/Copper-Cocatalyzed Oxidative Amidobrominations of Alkenes

Chemistry. 2015 Jul 13;21(29):10330-3. doi: 10.1002/chem.201501629. Epub 2015 Jun 17.


In the presence of LiBr, a palladium/copper combination catalyzes dehydrogenative amidobrominations of acrylates with NH-sulfoximines, leading to N-vinylated products by dual NH/CH coupling, followed by oxidative enamide bromination. Mechanistically, the domino process is proposed to involve palladium(II) species as key intermediates. First synthetic applications of the products have been demonstrated.

Keywords: C–C bond formation; C–N bond formation; copper cocatalysis; dehydrogenative amidobromination; palladium catalysis.