Synthesis of unsymmetrical alkyl acetals via addition of primary alcohols to allyl ethers mediated by ruthenium complexes

Monatsh Chem. 2011;142(12):1241-1247. doi: 10.1007/s00706-011-0638-8. Epub 2011 Oct 27.


Abstract: Ru-catalyzed synthesis of mixed alkyl-alkyl acetals via addition of primary alcohols to allyl ethers has been extended to include long-chain and/or functionalized substrates. The catalytic systems for these reactions were generated from RuCl2(PPh3)3 and [RuCl2(1,5-COD)]x and phosphines [PPh3 or P(p-chlorophenyl)3] or SbPh3. Of particular importance is the almost quantitative elimination of transacetalization. The addition proceeds through allyl complexes, not via isomerization of allyl ethers--subsequent addition of ROH to vinyl ethers.

Keywords: Chemoselectivity; Homogeneus catalysis; Metal complexes; Mixed acetals.