Objective: This study assessed the effects of citicoline, a nutraceutical, on attention, psychomotor function, and impulsivity in healthy adolescent males.
Method: Seventy-five healthy adolescent males were randomly assigned to either the citicoline group ( n = 51 with 250 or 500 mg citicoline) or placebo ( n = 24). Participants completed the Ruff 2&7 Selective Attention Test, Finger Tap Test, and the Computerized Performance Test, Second Edition (CPT-II) at baseline and after 28 days of supplementation.
Results: Individuals receiving citicoline exhibited improved attention ( p = 0.02) and increased psychomotor speed ( p = 0.03) compared with those receiving placebo. Higher weight-adjusted dose significantly predicted increased accuracy on an attention task ( p = 0.01), improved signal detectability on a computerized attention task ( p = 0.03), and decreased impulsivity ( p = 0.01).
Discussion: Adolescent males receiving 28 days of Cognizin® citicoline showed improved attention and psychomotor speed and reduced impulsivity compared to adolescent males who received placebo.
Keywords: adolescents; citicoline; cognition; cognitive enhancement.