Objective: To study the anti-halitosis effect of sugar-free chewing gum through their influence on odor induced by cysteine.
Methods: Ten volunteers were randomly divided into the treatment group and the untreated group; each group consisted of five volunteers. All volunteers consented to participate in a test in which breath odor was induced by cysteine. After the test, the treatment group chewed sugar-free chewing gum for 1 min, whereas the untreated group did not undergo any treatment. The effectiveness was determined by the percent reduction of H2S, CH3SH, and (CH3)2S response after the volunteers chewed gum for 1, 10, and 20 min.
Results: At 1, 10, and 20 min, H2S of the treatment group was reduced by 82.68%, 92.27%, 97.47%, respectively, CH3SH was reduced by 65.49%, 73.79%, and 82.89%, respectively, and (CH3)2S was reduced by 60.45%, 73.82%, and 59.72%, respectively. The differences between the two groups at different times were significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Chewing gum can effectively inhibit cysteine-induced odor.
目的: 研究咀嚼无糖口香糖对半胱氨酸激发性口臭的抑制作用。
方法: 将10名志愿者随机分为处理组和未处理组,每组5名,均接受半胱氨酸口气激发实验,激发实验后未处理组不进行任何处理,处理组咀嚼无糖口香糖1 min后吐出。在咀嚼口香糖后1、10、20 min测量两组的硫化氢(H2S)、甲基硫醇(CH3SH)、乙基硫化物[(CH3)2S]浓度。
结果: 处理组咀嚼口香糖后1、10、20 min,H2S浓度下降百分比分别为82.68%、92.27%、97.47%,CH3SH浓度下降百分比分别为65.49%、73.79%、82.89%,(CH3)2S浓度下降百分比分别为60.45%、73.82%、59.72%。处理组与未处理组在不同时间的H2S、CH3SH、(CH3)2S浓度下降百分比均有统计学差异(P<0.05)。
结论: 无糖口香糖对半胱氨酸激发性口臭具有一定的抑制作用。