[Blood gas analysis in dogs in veterinary practice. A review]

Tierarztl Prax Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 2015;43(4):260-72; quiz 273. doi: 10.15654/TPK-141021. Epub 2015 Aug 3.
[Article in German]


Blood gas analysis is useful to obtain information about acid-base state and gas exchange of the lung. Interpretation is based on the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. This approach has its limitations especially in interpretation of complex disturbances of acid-base status and has been complemented by base excess and anion gap. Peter Stewart described a model of quantitative approach to the acid-base disturbances which has been further developed and is known as the strong ion approach. This model differs from the traditional approach in the assessment of metabolic disorders of acid base status. Both models complement each other but also have their advantages and disadvantages. For simple disorders of the acid-base state the Henderson-Hasselbalch approach can be used, however in complex disturbances of acid-base balance, especially with abnormalities of serum albumin and phosphate concentrations, the strong ion approach is recommended. With the understanding of both models and of the clinical presentation of blood gas abnormalities, optimal case management and therapy can be provided.

Keywords: Acid-base state; Henderson-Hasselbalch approach; acidosis; alkalosis; strong ion approach.

Publication types

  • English Abstract
  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Acidosis / diagnosis
  • Acidosis / veterinary
  • Alkalosis / diagnosis
  • Alkalosis / veterinary
  • Animals
  • Blood Gas Analysis / veterinary*
  • Dogs
  • Veterinary Medicine