Intracellular logistics are essential for delivery of newly synthesized material during polar growth of fungal hyphae. Proteins and lipids are actively transported throughout the cell by motor-dependent movement of small vesicles or larger units such as endosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum. A remarkably tight link is emerging between active membrane trafficking and mRNA transport, a process that determines the precise subcellular localization of translation products within the cell. Here, we report on recent insights into the mechanism and biological role of these intricate cotransport processes in fungal models such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida albicans, and Ustilago maydis. In the latter, we focus on the new finding of endosomal mRNA transport and its implications for protein targeting, complex assembly, and septin biology.
Keywords: endoplasmic reticulum; endosome; mRNP; microtubule; septin.