Mandibular canal is the most important anatomical landmark in the body of mandible which always must be considered for implant surgery in posterior mandibular region. Damage to vessels and inferior alveolar nerve that passes through the mandibular canal can cause problems such as hemorrhage and neurosensory disturbances. Damage to the mandibular canal can occur during implant surgery. Depending on the severity of injuries, it would result in temporary or permanent neurosensory disturbances. We have reported a case that mandibular canal narrowing occurred following implant surgery and resulted in anesthetic and hypoesthetic areas in the lower lip. Patient had a history of implant surgery in the region of teeth numbered 30 and numbered 31. The inserted implant failed after 6 years, and reimplantation was done in this area, but due to lower lip numbness in the right side, the second implant was removed, and another implant was inserted in the region of the tooth numbered 32. After 2 years, right lower lip numbness was reported again by the patient. Cone beam computed tomography images showed canal narrowing in the region of the tooth numbered 31 where the second implant was inserted. It seems that the main cause for anesthesia and hypoesthesia in this patient is canal narrowing due to damage during implant replacement and removal.
Keywords: Cone beam computed tomography; implant; inferior alveolar canal; mandible.