The aim of this study was to investigate the concentrations of airborne asbestos that can be released into classrooms of schools that have amosite-containing asbestos insulation board (AIB) in the ceiling plenum or other spaces, particularly where there is forced recirculation of air as part of a warm air heating system. Air samples were collected in three or more classrooms at each of three schools, two of which were of CLASP (Consortium of Local Authorities Special Programme) system-built design, during periods when the schools were unoccupied. Two conditions were sampled: (i) the start-up and running of the heating systems with no disturbance (the background) and (ii) running of the heating systems during simulated disturbance. The simulated disturbance was designed to exceed the level of disturbance to the AIB that would routinely take place in an occupied classroom. A total of 60 or more direct impacts that vibrated and/or flexed the encapsulated or enclosed AIB materials were applied over the sampling period. The impacts were carried out at the start of the sampling and repeated at hourly intervals but did not break or damage the AIB. The target air volume for background samples was ~3000 l of air using a static sampler sited either below or ~1 m from the heater outlet. This would allow an analytical sensitivity (AS) of 0.0001 fibres per millilitre (f ml(-1)) to be achieved, which is 1000 times lower than the EU and UK workplace control limit of 0.1 f ml(-1). Samples with lower volumes of air were also collected in case of overloading and for the shorter disturbance sampling times used at one site. The sampler filters were analysed by phase contrast microscopy (PCM) to give a rapid determination of the overall concentration of visible fibres (all types) released and/or by analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to determine the concentration of asbestos fibres. Due to the low number of fibres, results were reported in terms of both the calculated concentration and the statistically relevant limits of quantification (LOQ), which are routinely applied. The PCM fibre concentrations were all below the LOQ but analytical TEM showed that few of the fibres counted in the background samples were asbestos. The background TEM asbestos concentrations for the individual samples analysed from all three schools were at or below the AS, with a pooled average below the LOQ (<0.00005 f ml(-1)). At the two CLASP schools, there was no significant increase in the airborne amosite concentration in the classrooms during simulated disturbance conditions. At the third school, four of the five classrooms sampled gave measurable concentrations of amosite by TEM during simulated disturbance conditions. The highest concentration of amosite fibres countable by PCM was 0.0043 f ml(-1) with a pooled average of 0.0019 f ml(-1). The air sampling strategy was effective and worked well and the results provide further important evidence to inform the sampling and management of asbestos in schools.
Keywords: CLASP; asbestos; concentration; fibre; heaters; schools.
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Occupational Hygiene Society.