A 17-year-old high school football player presented to our dermatology clinic complaining of two asymptomatic lumps on the upper part of his back. The first lump was noticed on the right side of the upper aspect of his back following a weightlifting session. The second lump appeared on the left side of the upper part of his back several weeks later. The patient's personal and family medical history was unremarkable. Physical examination revealed an ill-defined, firm, mobile subcutaneous nodule measuring approximately 3 cm on the right upper part of the back and a similar but smaller nodule on the left upper portion of the back (Figure 1). The location of the lesions corresponded to the areas of maximal pressure produced by a squat bar that he uses frequently during weightlifting (Figure 2). Histologic analysis of the right lesion revealed a markedly expanded dermis caused by a striking increase in the number of collagen bundles that were relatively normal in thickness, accompanied by a subtle increase in the number of fibroblasts (Figure 3). In some foci, fibroplasia along with increased deposition of mucin further contributed to the expansion of the dermis (Figure 3). Although the process spanned the entire dermis, it was more pronounced in the deep reticular dermis, particularly near the subcutis as collagen bundles were arranged in a more haphazard array in this region. Verhoeff-Van Gieson stain revealed diminished and fragmented elastic fibers within some of the involved areas. This reactive fibrosis can be seen in athlete's nodules as a result of repetitive blunt pressure. We proposed a diagnosis of weightlifter's nodule to further classify these lesions and the patient was instructed to discontinue associated weightlifting activities.