Objectives: To test whether a theoretically-based education curriculum results in more sustained knowledge, higher scores on Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) constructs, and greater exercise behavior 6 months post-cardiac rehabilitation (CR) when compared to traditional CR education.
Background: Patient education is a core component of CR. No research has examined whether this education results in sustained improvements post-program.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, participants exposed to the traditional vs HAPA-based education completed surveys pre, post-CR, and 6 months post-discharge assessing knowledge, HAPA constructs, and exercise.
Results: Ninety-three participants completed the final survey. Knowledge increases post-CR were sustained 6 months post-program, with no differences by curriculum. Many improvements in HAPA constructs observed post-CR were sustained, except for some decay in self-efficacy. Minutes of exercise per week were significantly greater in participants exposed to the HAPA-based curriculum 6 months post-program.
Conclusions: HAPA-based education in CR has sustained effects on exercise.
Keywords: Cardiovascular disease; Health behavior theory; Knowledge; Patient education; Physical exercise.
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