Inflammatory fibroid polyps in children: A new case report and a systematic review of the pediatric literature

World J Clin Pediatr. 2015 Nov 8;4(4):160-6. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v4.i4.160.


Aim: To study that inflammatory fibroid polyps (IFPs) in children are extremely uncommon tumors that may occur throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

Methods: A systematic review of the pediatric literature and a report of a new case of IFP is also presented. The PubMed database was searched for original studies on pediatric IFPs since 1960, according to "Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses" guidelines for systematic reviews.

Results: Five studies were finally enclosed, encompassing 6 children with IFPs (mean age 64 mo). Tumors were located in the stomach (2 patients), in the small bowel (2 patients), in the rectum (1 patient) and in the colon (1 patient). Open surgery was performed in all patients and complete excision of the mass was achieved in all cases. All patients are alive and free of symptom. Authors described a further case of a 3-year-old boy with a large duodenal IFP, in whom the tumor was removed by "en block resection". The presence of IFP throughout the gastrointestinal tract and its variable clinical appearances make it difficult to diagnose. An accurate pre-operative assessment is fundamental in order to differentiate IFP from other more aggressive gastrointestinal tumor, enabling unnecessary demolitive surgery.

Conclusion: When complete resection of the IFP is achieved, the prognosis is excellent.

Keywords: Children; Duodenum; Inflammatory fibroid polyp; Surgery; Ultrasound endoscopy.