Taser and Conducted Energy Weapons

J Spec Oper Med. 2015 Winter;15(4):83-88. doi: 10.55460/9XC7-PB6V.


It is clear that CEWs are an increasingly prevalent law enforcement tool, adopted to address a complex and challenging problem. The potential for serious injury from a single deployment of a CEW is extremely low. The debate regarding the link between these electrical weapons and sudden in-custody death is likely to continue because their use is often in complex and volatile situations. Any consideration of injuries has to be put into that context. One must also consider what injuries to a subject would result if an alternative force method was used. Furthermore, the potential benefits of CEWs, including reduction in injuries to the public and law-enforcement officers, need to be considered.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Burns, Electric / etiology
  • Conducted Energy Weapon Injuries* / mortality
  • Humans
  • Law Enforcement / methods
  • Safety*
  • Weapons*
  • Wounds, Penetrating / etiology