In this review the recent data regarding the antitumor activity of niclosamide and the molecular mechanisms of its antitumor activity are presented. Niclosamide has been used in the clinic for the treatment of intestinal parasite infections. In recent years in several screening investigations of various drugs and chemical compounds niclosamide was identified as a potential anticancer agent. Niclosamide not only inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin, mTORC1, STAT3, NF-κB and Notch signaling pathways, but also targets mitochondria in cancer cells to induce growth inhibition and apoptosis. A number of studies have established the anticancer activity of niclosamide in both in vitro and in vivo in xenotransplantation models using human tumors and immunodeficient mice. It is important that niclosamide is active not only against tumor cells but also cancer stem cells. Normal cells are resistant to niclosamide. The accumulated experimental data suggest niclosamide is a promising drug for the treatment of various types of cancer.
Predstavleny dannye o protivoopukholevoĭ aktivnosti niklozamida i o molekuliarnykh mekhanizmakh ego protivoopukholevoĭ aktivnosti. Ranee niklozamid ispol'zovalsia dlia lecheniia kishechnykh parazitarnykh infektsiĭ. V poslednie gody pri skrininge razlichnykh lekarstvennykh preparatov i khimicheskikh soedineniĭ, napravlennom na vyiavlenie veshchestv s vysokoĭ protivoopukholevoĭ aktivnost'iu, bylo obnaruzheno, chto niklozamid obladaet takoĭ aktivnost'iu. On ne tol'ko ingibiruet signal'nye puti Wnt/b-katenin, mTORC1, Stat3, NF-kB i Notch, no takzhe povrezhdaet mitokhondrii v opukholevykh kletkakh, vyzyvaet ingibirovanie proliferatsii i apoptoz. Éffektivnost' étogo preparata prodemonstrirovana kak v éksperimentakh in vitro, tak i in vivo v modeliakh s ispol'zovaniem ksenotransplantatsii opukholeĭ cheloveka immunodefitsitnym mysham. Niklozamid aktiven ne tol'ko v otnoshenii opukholevykh kletok, no i opukholevykh stvolovykh kletok. Normal'nye kletki ustoĭchivy k deĭstviiu niklozamida. Nakoplennye éksperimental'nye dannye pozvoliaiut schitat' niklozamid perspektivnym preparatom dlia lecheniia razlichnykh tipov raka.
Keywords: antitumor drugs; cancer stem cells; mitochondria damage; niclosamide; signaling pathways.