The Membrane Marker mCLING Reveals the Molecular Composition of Trafficking Organelles

Curr Protoc Neurosci. 2016 Jan 4:74:2.25.1-2.25.21. doi: 10.1002/0471142301.ns0225s74.


mCLING is a fixable endocytosis marker that can be combined with immunolabeling techniques to study the molecular composition of trafficking organelles. mCLING can be used both in cultured cells and in tissue if critical sample preparation steps, such as fixation, are correctly performed. This unit describes protocols for the application of mCLING and for the subsequent sample processing. We include immunostaining protocols and embedding procedures for confocal and high-resolution microscopy.

Keywords: endocytosis; high-resolution microscopy; immunolabeling; mCLING; membrane trafficking.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Biomarkers*
  • Cell Membrane / physiology*
  • Endocytosis / physiology*
  • Humans
  • Neurosciences / methods*
  • Organelles / physiology*
  • Protein Transport / physiology*


  • Biomarkers