Introduction: Given that nurses are among professions with frequent problems of fatigue, and given the nature of their profession that provides little exposure to sunlight and the subsequent deficiency of vitamin D, the present study examined the relation between fatigue and circulating vitamin D levels in female nurses working in Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Kashan, Iran in 2013.
Material & methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 200 female nurses working in Shahid Beheshti Hospital. To measure fatigue, fatigue questionnaire containing 9 questions eliciting the subject's feeling in scales of 1 to 7, getting a possible score of 9 to 63, and Visual Analogue Scale in which nurses specified their fatigue in a band of zero to 10 were used. The 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is the most important vitamin D metabolite, also was determined. The data was analyzed by SPSS-16. The Pearson's correlation of coefficients, t-test, and multiple regression analysis were used in this study.
Results: The mean fatigue score of nurses was 38.76±12.66 in questionnaire and 5.73±2.12 in Visual Analog Scale. The 89 per cent of nurses suffered from vitamin D deficiency, 9.5 percent of them had normal level and 1.5 per cent had toxicity level of vitamin D. There was a significant relationship between vitamin D level and fatigue scores (P<0.0001), and visual fatigue scores (P<0.0001). According to multivariate regression analysis, vitamin D level accounted for 13 per cent of the fatigue based on data on questionnaire and 18.6 per cent of fatigue according to Visual Analog Scale.
Conclusion: High prevalence of fatigue among nurses could be attributed to vitamin D deficiency.