Exploring Fathers' Role in Breastfeeding Practices in the Urban and Semiurban Settings of Karachi, Pakistan

J Perinat Educ. 2015;24(4):249-60. doi: 10.1891/1058-1243.24.4.249.


This study explored fathers' perceptions about breastfeeding infants. A qualitative exploratory study design was used. Study setting was urban and semiurban areas of Karachi, Pakistan. In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 fathers. The following themes emerged from the data collected: knowledge and awareness and enabling and impeding factors. Most fathers seemed eager to get involved and assist their partners in proper breastfeeding practices because they believed that doing so is in accordance with their faith. Fathers felt that adequate support from their family members and employers could enable them to encourage their partners to initiate and maintain exclusive and optimum breastfeeding practices. Exploring fathers' perception regarding breastfeeding in the context of Pakistan is still a new field of study.

Keywords: breastfeeding practices; developing countries; fathers’ perspectives; father’s role; perception of fathers.