Does tranexamic acid reduce blood transfusion following surgery for inter-trochanteric fracture? A randomized control trial

J Pak Med Assoc. 2015 Nov;65(11 Suppl 3):S17-20.


Objective: To compare the frequency of blood transfusion after surgery for fixation of inter-trochanteric fractures in patients given tranexamic acid versus placebo.

Methods: The randomised control trial was conducted at the Aga khan university hospital from May 1 to October 31, 2014, and comprised patients diagnosed with Inter-trochanteric fracture based on X-ray imaging. The patients were randomised into two equal groups based on a computer-generated random number table. The Intervention group received two doses of 10mg/kg body weight of tranexamic acid just before surgery and three hours later intravenously. The Control group received two doses of 10mg/kg body weight of normal saline at similar intervals. Numbers of blood transfusions required postoperatively were noted based on the postoperative haemoglobin readings.

Results: There were 100 patients who were divided into groups of 50(50%) each. Mean post-op haemoglobin for the intervention group was 10.2±2.4 g/dl and for the control group it was 8.9±2.4 g/dl (p=0.007). Nine (18%) patients in intervention group required blood transfusion compared to 21(42%) in control group (p=0.009).

Conclusions: Administering tranexamic acid was a useful and safe option for reducing requirement of blood transfusion postoperatively after inter-trochanteric hip fractures.

Keywords: Hip fractures, Tranexamic acid, Blood transfusion..