Introduction: This prospective study aims to evaluate the reliability of a reconstructive technique, which uses autologous J-shaped graft (J-graft) harvested from the mandibular ramus.
Materials and methods: Thirty-six maxillary defects among 32 patients (20 women and 12 men) were treated. All patients presented enough bone volume at the donor site to perform the harvesting procedures needed for the autologous reconstruction. All patients underwent clinical and radiographical evaluations through standardized radiographs taken before the intervention, immediately after the bone grafting, 6 to 7 months, and 1 year later. The loss of tooth vitality, the alterations of skin and mucosa sensibility, and the patients' subjective perception of discomfort related to the surgical procedure were investigated.
Results: We found an overall success rate of 91.66% with a mean bone gain of 4.8 mm vertically and 5.6 mm horizontally, assessed through computed tomography. According to clinical examinations, 35 sites completely recovered with proper incorporation of the graft, whereas 33 sites reached enough bone volume to allow the implant placement.
Conclusion: The described technique explains how to harvest and shape a J-graft. It achieves the simultaneous restoration of the horizontal and vertical bone loss with a single bone block.