Biological mechanisms of premature ovarian failure caused by psychological stress based on support vector regression

Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015 Nov 15;8(11):21393-9. eCollection 2015.


Psychological stress has become a common and important cause of premature ovarian failure (POF). Therefore, it is very important to explore the mechanisms of POF resulting from psychological stress. Sixty SD rats were randomly divided into control and model groups. Biomolecules associated with POF (β-EP, IL-1, NOS, NO, GnRH, CRH, FSH, LH, E2, P, ACTH, and CORT) were measured in the control and psychologically stressed rats. The regulation relationships of the biomolecules were explored in the psychologically stressed state using support vector regression (SVR). The values of β-EP, IL-1, NOS, and GnRH in the hypothalamus decreased significantly, and the value of NO changed slightly, when the values of 3 biomolecules in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis decreased. The values of E2 and P in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis decreased significantly, while the values of FSH and LH changed slightly, when the values of the biomolecules in the hypothalamus decreased. The values of FSH and LH in the pituitary layer of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis changed slightly when the values of E2 and P in the target gland layer of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis decreased. An Imbalance in the neuroendocrine-immune bimolecular network, particularly the failure of the feedback action of the target gland layer to pituitary layer in the pituitary-ovarian axis, is possibly one of the pathogenic mechanisms of POF.

Keywords: Psychological stress; biological mechanisms; premature ovarian failure; support vector regression machine.