Background: In recent years the Trunk Impairment Scale version 2.0 (TIS 2.0) has been a frequently used scale to assess dynamic sitting balance and trunk control for stroke patients.
Objective: To translate the TIS 2.0 into Spanish and validate it as an instrument to evaluate dynamic sitting balance and trunk control and coordination for post-stroke adult patients.
Methods: The original version was translated into Spanish and was agreed by a team of experts. A back-translation into English was subsequently performed and sent to the original author, who approved this version. 58 post-stroke patients' performance was recorded on a videotape. These videos were then used to carry out four measurements to assess the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, two of these were performed by the same rater and the third and fourth by a second and third rater.
Results: The reliability was calculated by the Kappa index, and was superior to 0.80 for intra-rater reliability, while inter-rater reliability varied from 0.487 to 1. Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency was 0.896 and to subscales dynamic sitting balance and coordination were 0.899 and 0.613 respectively. Intra-class correlations (ICC) for the summed scores of the different subscales were above 0.90 for all of them.
Conclusion: The Spanish version of the TIS 2.0 is valid and reliable, and can be recommended for use in the evaluation of dynamic sitting balance and trunk control and coordination in future research on post-stroke patients. Guidelines for treatment and level of quality of trunk activity can be derived from its use.
Keywords: Balance; Reliability; Sitting; Stroke cerebrovascular disorders; Translation; Trunk; Validation.