Background: Patients with follicular lymphoma (FL) relapsing after an autologous transplant (autoSCT) may be treated with a variety of therapies, including a reduced intensity allogeneic transplant (RICalloSCT). We conducted a retrospective analysis of a large cohort of patients undergoing RICalloSCT for FL in this setting.
Patients and methods: A total of 183 patients, median age 45 years (range 21-69), had undergone an autoSCT at a median of 30 months before the RICalloSCT. Before the RICalloSCT, they had received a median of four lines (range 3-10) of therapy and 81% of patients had chemosensitive disease and 16% had chemoresistant disease. Grafts were donated from sibling (47%) or unrelated donors (53%).
Results: With a median follow-up of 59 months, the non-relapse mortality (NRM) was 27% at 2 years. The median remission duration post-autoSCT and RICalloSCT was 14 and 43 months, respectively. The 5-year relapse/progression rate, progression-free survival and overall survival were 16%, 48% and 51%, respectively, and were associated with age and disease status at RICalloSCT.
Conclusion: These data suggest that an RICalloSCT is an effective salvage strategy in patients with FL recurring after a prior autoSCT and might overcome the poor prognostic impact of early relapse after autoSCT.
Keywords: follicular lymphoma; reduced intensity allogeneic stem cell transplant.
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: