The objective of the analytic observational study was to present air-pollen counting program results for a 5-year period. Airborne pollens and fungi collection, from both urban and sub-urban areas, were obtained using a special Burkard pollen trap installed on the roof of Chania General Hospital. Aeroallergen concentration measurement was made in a standardized way with fixation of the material collected and then counting using an optical microscope. Annual and total circulating pollen and fungi counts for the study period are presented. In the year 2014, the highest total annual count was recorded, while 2013 was the year with the lowest one. Months with the highest average concentrations were June for the years 2010 and 2011 (1291 and 1114.6 grains/m(3), respectively) and May for the consecutive 3 years 2012-2014 (1120, 890 and 1353.1 g/m(3), respectively). Peak periods for circulating aeroallergens were April-June. Trees pollen accounted for the majority of circulating aeroallergens (615.9 and 677.1 g/m(3) during peak periods in the years 2012 and 2014), while fungi accounted for the majority of circulating aeroallergens (818.5, 729.4, 890.7 spores/m(3)), during the peak periods in the years 2010, 2011 and 2013. Variability in peak airborne allergen periods could be partly explained by the differences in climatic conditions during the study period.
Keywords: Aeroallergens; Airborne moulds; Allergic rhinitis; Mediterranean; Pollen count; Pollen forecast.