In standard forensic DNA analysis, single base mutations within short tandem repeats (STR) mostly escape detection. In this study, high-resolution DNA melting (HRM) is compared to minisequencing and Sanger sequencing as to determine the most suitable method for detection of a G to C mutation within a repetitive DNA sequence, the STR system DXS10161. It shows an ATG/ATC polymorphism surrounded by a variable number of (TATC) and (ATCT) motifs. Neutral base changes like G:C to C:G result in very low differences in the melting temperature (T m) of the PCR amplicons. By enhanced resolution of fluorescence vs. temperature in HRM, the technique showed to be suitable for detecting a G to C transversion in this repetitive DNA sequence context. Compared to minisequencing, HRM is more time- and cost-effective. Results were confirmed by Sanger sequencing.
Keywords: Forensic genotyping; High-resolution melting (HRM); Minisequencing; Sanger sequencing; Short tandem repeat (STR); Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP).