FPGA implemented testbed in 8-by-8 and 2-by-2 OFDM-MIMO channel estimation and design of baseband transceiver

Springerplus. 2016 Mar 31:5:393. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1827-z. eCollection 2016.


In this study, a baseband OFDM-MIMO framework with channel timing and estimation synchronization is composed and executed utilizing the FPGA innovation. The framework is prototyped in light of the IEEE 802.11a standard and the signals transmitted and received utilizing a data transmission of 20 MHz. With the assistance of the QPSK tweak, the framework can accomplish a throughput of 24 Mbps. Besides, the LS formula is executed and the estimation of a frequency-specific fading channel is illustrated. For the rough estimation of timing, MNC plan is examined and actualized. Above all else, the whole framework is demonstrated in MATLAB and a drifting point model is set up. At that point, the altered point model is made with the assistance of Simulink and Xilinx's System Generator for DSP. In this way, the framework is incorporated and actualized inside of Xilinx's ISE tools and focused to Xilinx Virtex 5 board. In addition, an equipment co-simulation is contrived to decrease the preparing time while figuring the BER of the fixed point model. The work concentrates on above all else venture for further examination of planning creative channel estimation strategies towards applications in the fourth era (4G) mobile correspondence frameworks.

Keywords: Baseband transceiver; Channel estimation; FPGA; IEEE 802.11a; OFDM–MIMO; Testbed.