Sacrifice Along the Energy Continuum: A Call for Energy Justice

Environ Justice. 2015 Aug 18;8(4):151-156. doi: 10.1089/env.2015.0015.


The confluence of energy supply- and demand-side dynamics links vulnerable communities along the spectrum of energy production and consumption. The disproportionate burden borne by vulnerable communities along the energy continuum are seldom examined simultaneously. Yet, from a justice perspective there are important parallels that merit further exploration in the United States and beyond. A first step is to understand links to vulnerability and justice along the energy continuum by way of theoretical constructs and practical applications. The present article posits energy as a social and environmental justice issue and advances our current understanding of the links between energy and vulnerability, particularly in the U.S.

Context: Drawing on several emerging concepts including, "energy sacrifice zones," "energy insecurity" and "energy justice," this article lays a foundation for examining critical sacrifices along the energy continuum. To conclude, four basic rights are proposed as a starting point to achieve recognition and equity for vulnerable populations in the realm of energy.