Insights Into Intimate Partner Violence in Pregnancy: Findings From a Cross-Sectional Study in Two States in Nigeria

Violence Against Women. 2017 Mar;23(4):469-481. doi: 10.1177/1077801216644072. Epub 2016 Jul 9.


A household survey and focus group discussions examined the frequency and risk factors for physical intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy in two Nigerian states. Some 22% of women in Cross River and 9% in Bauchi reported IPV in their last pregnancy. The risk was higher in communities where more women reported IPV in the past year and lower among less poor women with more educated partners. Women were more likely to experience IPV in pregnancy if they had an income and decided how to spend it. Efforts to reduce IPV in pregnancy should involve communities as well as individuals.

Keywords: Nigeria; intimate partner violence; population-based; pregnancy.