An Intracranial Electroencephalography (iEEG) Brain Function Mapping Tool with an Application to Epilepsy Surgery Evaluation

Front Neuroinform. 2016 Apr 25:10:15. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2016.00015. eCollection 2016.


Objects: Before epilepsy surgeries, intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) is often employed in function mapping and epileptogenic foci localization. Although the implanted electrodes provide crucial information for epileptogenic zone resection, a convenient clinical tool for electrode position registration and Brain Function Mapping (BFM) visualization is still lacking. In this study, we developed a BFM Tool, which facilitates electrode position registration and BFM visualization, with an application to epilepsy surgeries.

Methods: The BFM Tool mainly utilizes electrode location registration and function mapping based on pre-defined brain models from other software. In addition, the electrode node and mapping properties, such as the node size/color, edge color/thickness, mapping method, can be adjusted easily using the setting panel. Moreover, users may manually import/export location and connectivity data to generate figures for further application. The role of this software is demonstrated by a clinical study of language area localization.

Results: The BFM Tool helps clinical doctors and researchers visualize implanted electrodes and brain functions in an easy, quick and flexible manner.

Conclusions: Our tool provides convenient electrode registration, easy brain function visualization, and has good performance. It is clinical-oriented and is easy to deploy and use. The BFM tool is suitable for epilepsy and other clinical iEEG applications.

Keywords: data visualization; electrode registration; epilepsy; function mapping; intracranial EEG.