Spectrofluorometric and emission peak titration and timed studies of OliGreen (OG) and PicoGreen (PG) were conducted in Tris EDTA (TE) buffer, pooled rat and fetal bovine serum with two different aptamers of 72 and 192 bases in length to determine if OG or PG were suitable for aptamer pharmacokinetic (PK) studies in sera. Results indicated that OG and PG detected the single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) stem-loop structures of the two aptamers quite well in TE with reliable standard curves having exponential character (or several linear detection regions) up to 1 μg/ml of aptamer DNA with detection limits of ~1 ng/ml. The intensity of OG and PG staining appeared to correlate with the number and percentage of ss and ds bases in each aptamer. OG and PG fluorescence in pooled rat serum or fetal bovine serum (FBS) did not titer as a function of DNA aptamer concentration from 1 μg/ml to 1 ng/ml. This lack of OG or PG aptamer assays in serum is contrary to most published reports of OG or PG assays for ss antisense oligonucleotides, ds PCR amplicons or other types of DNA in serum or plasma. Further studies suggested that the lack of OG and PG assay titration in serum might not be entirely due to aptamer degradation from nucleases in serum since the fluorescence signals in serum appeared relatively stable over time from 30 min to 4 hours. A hypothesis is presented which attributes the inability of OG or PG to assay aptamers in serum to a combination of high blue-green autofluorescence in serum with possible serum nuclease degradation of aptamers over time and the changing aptamer to serum protein ratio coupled to nonspecific binding of serum proteins to aptamers thereby possibly changing aptamer conformations as a function of aptamer concentration during titration experiments.
Keywords: Aptamer; Double-stranded; Electrophoresis; OliGreen; PicoGreen; Serum; Single-stranded.