Aim: To evaluate the outcomes of diabetic dialysis patients with critical limb ischemia and foot ulcer.
Methods: The study group included 599 diabetic, 99 dialyzed (Ds) (16.5%) and 500 not dialyzed (NDs) (83%) patients with critical limb ischemia and foot ulcers identified as stage C (ischemia) or D (ischemia plus infection) of Texas Wound Classification. All patients were treated by endovascular revascularization. Outcomes were expressed as healing, major amputation, death and non healing after 12months. The mean follow-up was 15±13months.
Results: The outcomes of the whole population were: 48.9% healing, 11.3% major amputation, 12.7% death, 27.1 non healing. At the multivariate analysis dialysis was a negative predictor of healing and a positive predictor of major amputation. Outcomes for Ds and NDs were respectively: healing (30.3 vs 52.6%), major amputation (14.4 vs 10.8%), death (21.1 vs 11%) and non-healing (34.2 vs 25.6%) (X=0.0004). Amputation occurred earlier in Ds than in NDs. According to the multivariate analysis in Ds ischemic heart disease and lower ΔTcPO2 were negative predictors for healing. Successful revascularization was a negative predictor for major amputation. HDL and carotid artery disease were predictive factors of death among NDs. Among Ds high blood pressure values were the only predictor of amputation while no variable resulted predictive of healing or death.
Conclusions: Our study shows that our limb salvage protocol ensures a good rate of limb salvage in Ds even if they have a higher risk of amputation and death compared to NDs.
Keywords: Critical limb ischemia; Diabetes; Diabetic foot; Dialysis; Limb salvage.
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