Jung's views of Nazi Germany: the first year and Jung's transition

J Anal Psychol. 2016 Sep;61(4):481-96. doi: 10.1111/1468-5922.12238.


This article first considers Jung's response to the coming to power of the Nazis in Germany. It brings forth evidence that, besides wanting to preserve psychotherapy in Germany and maintain the international connection between the German and other communities of psychotherapists, he wanted to advance Jungian psychology - his psychology - in Germany. It also presents evidence that, although he occasionally made some anti-Semitic statements during this early period, he was not anti-Semitic in the way the Nazis were. The paper then argues that after Gustav Bally's criticisms in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung in February 1934, Jung entered into a transitional period that spring during which he became warier both of the Nazis and of making any statements that could be construed as being anti-Semitic. Schoenl and Peck (2012) have shown how Jung's views of Nazi Germany changed from 1933 to March 1936. This present article demonstrates very significant changes in Jung's views during the important early part of this period, that is from January 1933 - when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany - through to the spring of 1934. It draws on evidence from archival and other primary sources.

Keywords: Alemania (1933-1934); Allemagne (1933-1934); Archivmaterial; Deutschland (1933-1934); Germania (1933-1934); Germany (1933-1934); Hitler; Jung; Nazis; anti-Semita; anti-Semitic; antisemita; antisemitisch; antisémite; apxивныe иcтoчники; archival sources; archives; aнтиceмитcкий; fuentes de archivo; risorse d' archivio; Гepмaния (1933-1934); Гитлep; Юнг; 反犹太; 希特勒; 德国(1933-1934); 档案资料; 荣格.

Publication types

  • Biography
  • Historical Article

MeSH terms

  • Germany
  • History, 20th Century
  • Humans
  • Jungian Theory*
  • National Socialism / history*
  • Psychoanalysis / history*

Personal name as subject

  • Karl Jung