The ultrafast dynamics of concentrated aqueous solutions of the salt lithium bistriflimide and ionic liquid (IL) 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bistriflimide was studied using two-dimensional infrared (2D IR) vibrational echo and polarization-selective IR pump-probe techniques to monitor water's hydroxyl stretch. Two distinct populations of hydroxyl groups, with differing vibrational lifetimes, are detected in solution: those engaged in hydrogen bonding with other water molecules and those engaged in hydrogen bonding with the bistriflimide anion. Water molecules with the same hydrogen bond partner exhibit similar vibrational lifetimes in the two solutions. The reorientation dynamics of the anion-associated waters is also similar in form in the two solutions, showing a restricted wobbling-in-a-cone motion followed by a slower diffusive orientational randomization. However, the wobbling motions are much more angularly restricted in the IL solution. Spectral diffusion dynamics, which tracks the structural fluctuations of water's hydrogen bonds, is very different in the two solutions. Water in the IL solution experiences much faster fluctuations overall and shows a greater extent of motional narrowing, resulting in a larger homogeneously broadened component in the spectral line, compared to those in the aqueous lithium salt. Thus, even when the hydroxyls of water associate with the same anion in solution, the cation identity and extent of ionic ordering (i.e., salt solution vs IL) can play an important role in determining the structural fluctuations experienced by a small hydrogen-bonded solute.