Pelvic exenteration is a salvage procedure used primarily for recurrent gynecologic carcinoma. Up to the present time, an ileal or colon conduit has been used for urinary diversion and the patient remains incontinent of urine. This is a preliminary report of nine patients with gynecologic carcinoma in whom a continent urinary diversion procedure was performed. A segment of distal ileum, the ascending colon, and part of the transverse colon are used to create the colonic reservoir. The segment of colon is opened along the tenia and folded onto itself. The walls of the ascending and transverse colon are anastomosed to detubularize this segment of bowel and eliminate the transient high pressure of the colon. Surgical staples are used for the anastomosis. The segment of ileum is tapered and three purse-string sutures (2-O silk) are placed at the level of the ileocecal valve to achieve continence. The short segment of ileum is then exteriorized as a stoma through which the patient catheterizes. Antirefluxing, non-tunneled ureterocolonic anastomoses are performed. The anterior wall of the reservoir is closed with absorbable staples. Postoperative urodynamic studies have shown maximum capacity of 750 ml and the area of continence to be at the ileocecal valve where the purse-string sutures are placed. All patients are continent and postoperative radiographs were negative for reflux. Follow-up was 6 to 12 months. The colonic reservoir is a capacious low-pressure system and warrants further clinical trials in patients with gynecologic cancer.