Vitexin and isovitexin are active components of many traditional Chinese medicines, and were found in various medicinal plants. Vitexin (apigenin-8-C-glucoside) has recently received increased attention due to its wide range of pharmacological effects, including but not limited to anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperalgesic, and neuroprotective effects. Isovitexin (apigenin-6-C-glucoside), an isomer of vitexin, generally purified together with vitexin, also exhibits diverse biological activities. Latest research has suggested that vitexin and isovitexin could be potential substitute medicines for diversity diseases, and may be adjuvants for stubborn diseases or health products. This review summarized recent findings on various pharmacological activities and associative signalling pathways of vitexin and isovitexin to provide a reference for future research and clinical applications.
Keywords: Isovitexin; Pharmacological activities; Traditional Chinese medicine; Vitexin.
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