Objectives: Headache during migraine attack may recur during a single attack. The present study evaluated efficacy of both individual and combined use of agents from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and triptan groups widely used in treatment of migraine attacks.
Methods: A total of 201 attacks in 67 migraine patients were evaluated. Patients were divided into 3 study groups: those receiving rizatriptan 10mg, tenoxicam 20 mg, and rizatriptan + tenoxicam (combination). Patients evaluated severity of headache based on visual analogue scale (VAS) at moment of drug delivery, after 30 minutes, and after 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 hours. Attacks were evaluated separately for each treatment alternative, and results were also compared.
Results: VAS values were the same at onset of attack, but were lower in rizatriptan and combination groups than in tenoxicam group at 30 minutes and onward. VAS score was above 4 at 60 minutes in tenoxicam group and mean VAS value in this group was found to be significantly higher than values in rizatriptan and combined groups. At 24 hours, VAS scores were similar in combination and tenoxicam groups, while rizatriptan group had higher mean VAS score than the other 2 groups.
Conclusion: When single drug use fails to provide adequate control, combined use of a rapid-acting triptan and a long-acting NSAID appears to be a suitable treatment option.