Background: Negative views towards ageing and older adults may be a reason why nurses do not choose to work in gerontological nursing. Studying in another cultural context can challenge these views. The Objective was to explore nursing students' views on ageing and older adults before and after a gerontology course held abroad.
Design and method: A qualitative approach based on content analysis of responses to open-ended questions by 30 Thai nursing students studying a gerontology course in Sweden.
Results: Three main categories: positive imprints of ageing, ageing takes its toll, and knowledge leading to action, emerged through sub-categories carrying a view of older adults as not only in need of care, but also as resourceful and competent. Professional healthcare, besides family was seen as potential caregivers in old age.
Conclusions: Studying gerontology abroad can widen views towards ageing and older adults, inspiring nurses to work in gerontological nursing.
Keywords: ageing; culture; gerontology; nurse education; qualitative; views.