Monolithically integrated single quantum dots coupled to bowtie nanoantennas

Opt Express. 2016 Dec 12;24(25):28936-28944. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.028936.


Deterministically integrating semiconductor quantum emitters with plasmonic nano-devices paves the way towards chip-scale integrable, true nanoscale quantum photonic technologies. For this purpose, stable and bright semiconductor emitters are needed, which moreover allow for CMOS-compatibility and optical activity in the telecommunication band. Here, we demonstrate strongly enhanced light-matter coupling of single near-surface (< 10 nm) InAs quantum dots monolithically integrated into electromagnetic hot-spots of sub-wavelength sized metal nanoantennas. The antenna strongly enhances the emission intensity of single quantum dots by up to ~ 16×, an effect accompanied by an up to 3.4× Purcell-enhanced spontaneous emission rate. Moreover, the emission is strongly polarised along the antenna axis with degrees of linear polarisation up to ~ 85 %. The results unambiguously demonstrate a pronounced coupling of individual quantum dots to state-of-the-art nanoantennas. Our work provides new perspectives for the realisation of quantum plasmonic sensors, step-changing photovoltaic devices, bright and ultrafast quantum light sources and efficient nano-lasers.