Recruiting Participants into Pilot Trials: Techniques for Researchers with Shoestring Budgets

Calif J Health Promot. 2016;14(2):81-89.


Limited research has focused on recruitment strategies for health promotion researchers conducting small-scale pilot studies. Such research is important because small studies often have limited funding streams and personnel resources. Accordingly, many techniques implemented by large-scale studies are of limited use to smaller research projects. This article provides an overview effective participant recruitment techniques for pilot studies with limited funds and personnel resources. Recruitment techniques were derived from the first author's experience in recruiting participants during his doctoral and postdoctoral studies, the over 25 years of research experience of each of the co-authors, and an extensive review of the literature. Five key recruitment techniques are discussed: 1) leverage existing social networks and personal contacts, 2) identify and foster collaborations with community gatekeepers, 3) develop a comprehensive list of potential recruitment platforms and venues, 4) create recruitment materials that succinctly describe the purpose of the study, and 5) build respectful and trusting relationships with potential participants. Implementation of the proposed techniques can lead to enhanced recruitment, as well as retention among study participants.

Keywords: Recruitment; participants; pilot study.